6 Most Effective Acupressure Points for Asthma Relief

Acupressure Points for Asthma is better way than conventional medicines. Acupressure Points provide harmless healing to Asthma. Here we provide 6 Most Effective Acupressure Points for Asthma. If you know the right Acupressure Points for Asthma and applying techniques, you can treat yourself. Applying Acupressure Points on regular basis gives earlier relief to Asthma.

6 Most Effective Acupressure Points for Asthma Relief

Asthma is a critical problem and it is connected with breathing. A person, who is suffering from Asthma, can get attack of Asthma anytime. There is a myth that if a kid has Asthma, that will be automatically cured when grow up. Asthma can only be healed if you take an instant action for it. Acupressure Points for Asthma are more convenient than medicines as they have zero side effects. There are several Acupressure Points which should be stimulated everyday to get relief in Asthma.

Acupressure Points for Asthma Relief

  • Breastbone Points
  • Below the Collarbone Points
  • Shoulder Blade Points
  • Base of Thumb Point
  • Wrist Point
  • Other Pressure Points

Acupressure Points for Asthma and breathing problems are easy to apply. But you must know the correct technique of applying pressure and the amount of pressure.

Breastbone Points:

Image Source: acupressure.com

Image Source: acupressure.com

Acupressure Breastbone Points are very effective for Asthma. Breastbone Points are situated under the Collarbone, on beside the breastbone. As you find the points as displayed in picture, apply pressure on the points on daily basis to get better relief from asthma problems.

Acupressure Breastbone Points are helpful for reducing breathing problems, cough, anxiety, chest congestion and other Asthma problems.

Below the Collarbone Points:

Image Source: Acupressure.com

Image Source: Acupressure.com

Acupressure below the Collarbone Points are useful for relieving Asthma. Below the Collarbone Points are situated in the outer side of the Chest. The exact place for Below the Collarbone Points is around 3 to 4 centimeters width from the Collarbone. As you find Below the Collarbone Points for Asthma, apply Acupressure Points for Asthma on the exact points firmly as displayed in picture for best results.

Acupressure Below the Collarbone Points for Asthma can give better results in emotional distress, chest congestion, breathing difficulties, chest tension, coughing etc.

Shoulder Blade Points:

Image Source: lung-conditions.knoji.com/

Image Source: lung-conditions.knoji.com/

Acupressure Points on the tip of the Shoulder Blade are called Shoulder Blade Points. The Shoulder Blade Points are very helpful for relief in Asthma. Shoulder Blade Points are situated on the backside on the upper tip of the shoulder blade. You can easily find the Shoulder Blade Points in between scapula and the spine. Apply gentle pressure on Shoulder Blade Points with your eyes closed and rotate your fingers gradually for 3 to 5 minutes will help you to heal Asthma.

Acupressure Shoulder Blade Points should be stimulated every day will be beneficial for relieving Shoulder Muscle Spasms, Sneezing, Coughing, Neck Muscle Spasms etc.

Base of Thumb Point:

Image Source:wikihow.com

Image Source:wikihow.com

Acupressure Points for Asthma on base of thumb is quite good to heal Asthma troubles. Base of Thumb Point is exactly located on the Pad of Palm at bottom of the Thumb. Base of the Thumb Point is very easy to find as displayed in picture. Find the Base of Thumb Point and apply pressure on it on a regular basis. The time of applying firm pressure on Base of Thumb Points is 5 minutes and you can practice it anytime in a day.

Acupressure Point on base of thumb must be stimulated every day or more to get benefits like Relief in low breathing, stuffed throat, coughing etc.

Wrist Point:

Image Source: pointfinder.org

Acupressure Wrist Point is very effective pressure point for Asthma. Wrist Point is situated on the backside of wrist. The exact place for Wrist Point is on the backside of wrist below the base of thumb. As you find the Wrist Point as displayed in picture, apply firm pressure on the Wrist Point for 3 to 4 minutes every day.

Applying Pressure on Acupressure Wrist Pressure Point will help you in reducing Lung problems, coughing and other asthma troubles.

Some other Acupressure Points for Asthma Relief:

Acupressure Points for Asthma includes some more pressure points which are also helpful in healing Asthma Symptoms. The points are throat point which is situated under Adam ’s apple (i.e. laryngeal prominence which is located in neck), Index Finger Pressure Point (situated on the on the outside of index finger connected with base of thumb) and Ring Finger Pressure Point.

Apply pressure on the Acupressure other points also to get sooner results and healing in Asthma Problems.

If the Asthma Patient has Smoking habit than Acupressure Points cannot give any relief. Smoking is the most responsible reason for Serious Asthma. Even if you are applying Acupressure Points correctly on a regular basis, do not hurry to leave the medicines which are instructed by Asthma Doctor. Asthma is mainly caused by difficulty in breathing. A person who is suffering from Asthma cannot breathe properly due to shortage of oxygen. Applying pressure regularly on correct Acupressure Points for Asthma helps to flow oxygen in body. When the oxygen flow is regulated, the person suffering from Asthma may be saved from death.


Acupressure Points for Asthma Problems are effective only if the pressure is applied by an Experienced Acupressure Expert. Please don’t apply the Acupressure Points for Asthma on anyone if you do not know the applying technique, rather you should consult a Doctor for Acupressure Points for Asthma.

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